There’s no denying the fact that hearing aids can change the way that you interact with the world around you for the better. However, it would be best if you exercised caution to keep your hearing aids in the best condition possible. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you may try, your hearing aids may get wet from time to time. Knowing how to react can be the difference between your hearing aids functioning correctly and not.

What To Do When Your Hearing Aids Get Wet

As soon as you notice that your hearing aid has come into contact with water, you want to get it away from the water as quickly as possible. The shorter the exposure time, the less likely the water will permanently damage your hearing aids. Next, turn your hearing aids off and remove their batteries altogether.

If you have a tube on your hearing aid, remove it so that you can gently dry it. Start with a dry towel and shake the tube to get the water drops out. If you can’t get them out, consider putting your hairdryer on a cool low setting. Be cautious not to overheat your hearing aid tube, as excessive heat can damage it.

Next, you’ll want to lay your hearing aids out on a dry towel. It may take up to a day for your hearing aids to dry out thoroughly. Make sure that you keep them out of direct sunlight. If you have a dehumidifier pot, you can drastically speed up the drying process.

If your batteries can be removed, be sure to replace them with fresh ones once your hearing aids have completely dried out. If you’re not having any success with drying your hearing aids on your own, then it’s best to head over to your professional audiologists to see what they can do for you.

Things To Avoid Doing When Your Hearing Aids Get Wet

Sometimes when you make a mistake and get your hearing aids wet, you may not be able to think straight about how to dry them. It may seem like a good idea at the time to put them in the microwave or an oven. You may even want to set your blow dryer on full blast to dry them out. Avoid all of these options at all costs. Too much heat will cause permanent damage to the sensitive inner circuitry of your hearing aids.

Don’t give up too easily on saving your hearing aids. It can take up to a day or more to dry them out adequately. If you dry them with a towel and they still won’t work, give them time. And make sure that you consult a professional before you throw them out and get new ones.

Call Us Today

If your hearing aids have gotten wet, contact us at Beltone Chicago for immediate hearing aid services. Our helpful hearing care specialists can assist you in properly caring for your hearing aids.
