When you start to experience trouble with your hearing, visiting a hearing aid specialist is necessary. They’ll likely outfit you with a pair of hearing aids to help you better hear the world around you. When you’re better able to interact with people and your environment, you can enhance your quality of life and achieve the goals you set out to accomplish.

How Often Should You Wear Hearing Aids?

Ideally, you should be wearing your new hearing aids all day long. This adjustment can be challenging at first when you get your devices, as it can take a little while for your brain to adapt to hearing new noises. Do your best to try and keep your hearing aids in for as long as possible. The more often you wear your hearing aids, the quicker your brain will adapt to its enhanced senses.

If you only wear your hearing aids while you’re at work and take them out when you get home, your brain is constantly adapting back and forth between indulging in its new hearing ability and missing out on it when you’re at home. This can make it more difficult for your brain to not only hear sounds but to relearn how to adequately process and filter them. In fact, you’ll likely find that you’ll be overly fatigued as your brain tries to adapt to having hearing aids sometimes and not others.

When Should You Take Your Hearing Aids Out?

The only time that you should be taking your hearing aids out is when you go to bed or you’re cleaning them. Hearing aids are sensitive devices, and any excess moisture can damage their sensitive internal components. By taking them out in the overnight hours, you can allow your devices to dry out completely for the upcoming day. Plus, you’ll reduce the risk of any damage happening to them while you’re sleeping.

It would be best if you cleaned your hearing aids at least twice a day. Ideally, you should clean them first thing in the morning before you put them in and at night before you go to bed. Additionally, your hearing aids should be deep cleaned by a licensed professional every six months.

Adapting To New Hearing Aids

When you first try out your new hearing aids, it can feel like you’re in another world. You’ll start to hear sounds you’re not used to hearing, such as the buzzing of your refrigerator. It can be very overstimulating to your brain and body. Fortunately, there are some helpful tips that you can implement to help make the adaptation process more manageable.

First and foremost, don’t be afraid to give yourself a break. If it feels too overwhelming, take out your hearing aids for a few minutes and relax your mind. Make sure that you’re setting feasible goals with your new hearing aids. Setting the goal of wearing them for an entire day without taking them out on your first day of using them can be overreaching and leave you feeling dissatisfied when you’re unable to meet your goals. Aim to wear them for a few hours at a time and go from there.

Call Us Today

If you’re experiencing hearing loss, it’s time to contact us at Beltone Chicago. Let our helpful audiological professionals assess your hearing and recommend the best hearing aids to meet your individual needs.
