Right now, nearly 20% of the entire world population is living with some form of hearing loss. That’s over 1.5 billion people. World Hearing Day is about raising awareness of hearing loss and showcasing the importance of integrating hearing care into primary medical care routines.

When Is World Hearing Day?

World Hearing Day is set to take place on March 3rd, 2023. This day is signified by the World Health Organization as a day to raise awareness about hearing loss around the globe. The World Health Organization asks that all hearing aid health providers and lawmakers worldwide establish World Hearing Day events to help raise awareness about hearing health in their local communities.

Key Messages To Share This Year

With ear and hearing problems being some of the most common medical issues encountered worldwide, it only makes sense to help raise awareness about them. The World Health Organization is trying to push the key message of integrating ear and hearing care into every person’s primary care routine this year. Similar to how you go to get a routine physical each year, your hearing health should be assessed in the same manner.

The World Health Organization believes that hearing and ear care should be integrated into regular training programs for all health care providers. This will allow them to better identify problems early on instead of letting patients go undiagnosed for years. Additionally, training health care providers to understand the needs of those with ear disease and hearing loss can help to improve treatment practices and overall patient care.

Apart from the physical care component of helping those with hearing loss, the World Health Organization is pushing for healthcare providers to deliver universal coverage for hearing-related conditions. This includes things like hearing loss as well as ear diseases. Right now, many insurance providers lack coverage when it comes to anything to do with hearing health.

The last key message that the World Health Organization is trying to portray this year is the importance of informing individuals about their hearing health. Right now, it’s not commonplace for the average individual to undergo regularly scheduled hearing exams. This is thought to be one of the biggest reasons why hearing loss goes untreated for many years in many individuals. Through the publicity of World Hearing Day, more people can learn about the importance of taking care of their hearing and scheduling regular hearing exams like they would their routine physicals.

Call Us Today

If you’re experiencing hearing loss or want a regular hearing exam, it’s time to contact us at Beltone Chicago. Let our audiological professionals assist you with all your hearing-related needs.
