Some children may have a hard time understanding what they hear. Although someone else might hear the difference in language, the child doesn’t. Their ears do not interpret the sounds the same way someone else might. These children have something called Auditory Processing Disorder.

What Is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Auditory Processing Disorder, or APD, is a condition that affects about 5% of children. With this, children have normal hearing but are not able to distinguish sounds. This becomes problematic with language. The child cannot tell the difference between sounds. The child may become confused. They cannot hear the difference between words such as there or where. It is important to note that APD is not hearing loss. It is a difficulty processing what they hear.

What Are Potential Symptoms Of APD?

APD offers a wide variety of symptoms. Children may display some or all symptoms listed below.

Difficulty following directions
A child may have trouble following many directions at once. They may forget the order of the directions. They may not understand at all.

Difficulty understanding and responding to questions

APD can make understanding and responding difficult. Because the child can’t differentiate sounds, they may ask someone to repeat themselves. They may also take a while to respond.

Mixing sounds in a phrase (such as aminal instead of animal)

Auditory discrimination is the key to language learning. A child with APD may mix up the order of sounds in a word.

Difficulty communicating

APD causes processing to take longer. A child with this may not want to talk. They may be hard to communicate with due to not being able to process spoken language.

Difficulty discerning background noise from important sounds or conversations

This symptom can make school difficult. In a room without background noise, a child may understand and differentiate sounds. Background noise may make it more difficult.

Poor Auditory Memory

Auditory memory is the ability to remember sounds or things they hear. Children may have a hard time remembering simple songs or rhymes.

How To Help

There are many options for children with APD. Children continue to develop their auditory system until they are 15. This means that they still can develop the skills they have trouble with. The sooner a child has an APD diagnosis, the less likely it is to affect their schooling.

A speech-language therapist can help a child differentiate sounds. The therapist can also help them develop good communication skills despite their condition.

It is important to let the child’s teacher know about their condition. Let them know what hearing care the child may need. Have the student sit close to the front. That way, they can hear clearer. It also encourages the teacher to write on the board. Be sure the teacher understands that the student does not have hearing loss. Make sure to tell them that the child cannot process the information.

Auditory Processing Disorder does not mean that a child cannot learn or succeed. With proper hearing care and early diagnosis, steps can make sure the child has the most success. Children with APD can still be successful with the right support system.