There are more than 300 types of Headache. Occipital Neuralgia, Mastoiditis, TMJ, and dental problems can cause pain behind the ear. If the pain gets worse, an ear infection could be to blame. If you are still running a fever or are experiencing unexpected weight loss, you need to see your doctor. If you have sudden, dangerous problems, get immediate medical attention. These include sudden lockjaw, severe pain, nausea, confusion, seizures, fatigue, or hearing loss. Your hearing care is vital. Before talking about how to treat each of type of headache, here is more details about each diagnosis.

Your doctor will give you a physical exam and a blood test to make sure you don’t have an ear, nose or throat infection. Your physician might prescribe an anesthetic nerve blocker. If it relieves your pain, they might diagnose you with Occipital Neuralgia. As far as TMJ, imaging can find if your diagnosis is Temporomandibular joint disorder. X-rays, CT or CAT scan, and MRI are tests that neurologists use for head pains and hearing loss. These tests help to treat for hearing loss earlier. Going for a regular check-up to the dentist can also help. Gums get infected and can cause your jaws to lock. This pain will spread to the back of your ear.

A person’s posture, the use of hand-held devices, rest, and good eating can prevent aches behind the ear. How you ask? If you stay in the same position for too long, you can pinch your nerves. Be mindful and switch your posture as often as possible. When using mobile devices, your neck tends to slant in an awkward position. This can cause stiffness and pain. Skipping meals and not taking breaks from work prevents blood from circulating. Do some stretches and walk around for a few minutes. If your sleeping schedule is all over the place and not the same time every day, that may cause stress and fatigue

Occipital Neuralgia uses pain relievers and requires keeping your neck in one position. The suggested treatments for this diagnosis include heating pads, massage, and physical therapy. Relaxation and meditation can also help. Mastoiditis is an infection that gets treated with antibiotics. If you suffer from grinding & lockjaw, your diagnosis is TMJ. Treating it includes physical therapy, open joint surgery, and arthroscopic surgery. Corticosteroid injections pain relievers, and oral splints could also help. With any causes acupuncture, meditation and relaxation techniques, and biofeedback can all help.

That said, prevention, therapeutic wellness, testing, and reliable medication can all help. If you have headaches and issues with your ears, visit a hearing care professional. Contact us today for more information.