Your hearing is a large contributor to your overall well-being. You use it to communicate with the world around you and even to maintain your balance while walking down the street. Taking care of your hearing should be of the utmost importance to maintaining overall good health throughout your lifetime.

Increased Risk of Mental Illness

Those suffering from hearing loss or tinnitus are at an increased risk of developing mental illnesses. These include anxiety, depression, dementia, schizophrenia, suicidal ideation, and episodes of extreme anger. In fact, one report from the JAMA Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery revealed that adults with self-reported hearing impairment have double the increased risk of experiencing moderate to severe depression as opposed to those without hearing loss.

Why Is There A Link Between These Health Conditions?

Those who currently experience tinnitus and hearing loss regularly report feeling socially inept. They struggle to maintain an active conversation with those around them. Many find themselves talking off-topic, entering conversations at the wrong time, and even dominating most conversations because they find it easier to speak than to focus on listening to others.

For these individuals, engaging in daily conversations is more of a chore than a pleasure. Most will withdraw from social situations to avoid the hassle. This can quickly lead to social isolation. Numerous studies have revealed that individuals who isolate themselves on a social level are at an increased risk for various mental health disorders, including both anxiety and depression.

When it comes to tinnitus, this condition can also affect the development of psychological disorders. Due to its constant ringing in the ears and no effective cure, many patients find themselves experiencing insomnia, poor job performance, anxiety, and anger. Furthermore, this can lead to other mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and PTSD exasperation.

Seeking Treatment Sooner Rather Than Later

If you’re experiencing hearing loss or tinnitus, you must seek treatment sooner rather than later. Typically, getting hearing aids is one of the best ways to handle hearing loss and reduce the risk of it worsening over time. While there is no cure for tinnitus, learning about effective management tactics like sound therapy can go a long way in reducing tinnitus’s effect on your mental health.

Getting a hearing examination by a licensed hearing care professional each year is always a good idea. They will be able to monitor any changes in your hearing health and provide you with the best treatments to ensure that your hearing health and tinnitus have a minimal effect on your overall mental health and well-being.

Call Us Today

If you’re struggling with hearing loss or tinnitus, it’s time to schedule an appointment at Beltone Chicago. Let our helpful hearing care specialists assist you with your hearing care needs today!
