Ear infections are a common type of infection. They can occur in people of any age. You may feel an ear infection as an aching pain deep in the ear. It can also feel like an itch in your ear canal. Some ear infections clear up on their own. Others may persist and cause damage or hearing loss. Get treatment if you have the symptoms of an ear infection. This helps to avoid complications.

Types Of Ear Infections

There are three types of ear infections. These affect the outer, middle, and inner ear. If you’ve had swimmer’s ear, you’ve had an outer ear infection. These are also known as otitis externa. This type of infection happens when water becomes trapped in the ear canal. This can happen after showering or swimming. It can also occur when something damages the ear canal’s surface. A sharp object, like a fingernail or a Q-tip can cause this.

Middle Ear Infection

Bacteria grows in the damaged ear canal. It can cause pain, redness, and itching. Some outer ear infections don’t need treatment. Others may spread to the middle or inner ear. Doctors treat otitis externa with antibiotic ear drops.

A middle ear infection is also called otitis media. This happens when a virus or bacteria gets trapped in the middle ear. Allergies, the flu, or a cold cause the Eustachian tubes to swell and clog. This can lead to fluid buildup behind the eardrum. Bacteria infect the fluid, causing pain, fever, and drainage.

If left untreated, a middle ear infection can make the eardrum rupture or burst. Children are prone to middle ear infections. This is due to the size and shape of their Eustachian tubes. If you suspect that you or your child have a middle ear infection, see a doctor. You treat a middle ear infection with oral antibiotics. You can relieve pain by using a heating pad on the affected ear.

Inner Ear Infection

Otitis interna or labyrinthitis is also known as an inner ear infection. This ear infection affects the ear’s innermost part. Inner ear infections are most caused by a virus. This virus inflames the inner ear structures that regulate balance and hearing. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and hearing loss.

Inner ear infections are less common than other types but more serious. If the cause is bacterial, doctors can treat this with a course of oral antibiotics. You can relieve viral infections over time by the body’s immune system. You can further manage this through home remedies.

Call Us Today

Prompt treatment for ear infections is vital to protect your hearing and balance. If you have symptoms of an ear infection, contact Beltone Chicago to set up an appointment today. We are here for all your hearing questions and concerns.