Hearing loss is a major health issue for elderly individuals. Information from the NIDCD, found that a third of all Americans between 65 and 74 have some type of hearing loss. Plus, one-half of all Americans over age 75 experience some type of diminished hearing. Hearing loss can affect a person’s ability to communicate and socialize. Health professionals believe that not socializing can affect one’s health. They even believe it can lead to dementia.

The Correlation Between Hearing Loss And Dementia

There is no guarantee that someone with age-related hearing loss will develop dementia. A person’s chances can increase because of links between the two condition. These can include the following.

The Pressure Hearing Loss Places On The Brain

The brain has to make up for the loss of hearing. Over time, the brain must use many resources it might need to do other tasks.

Hearing Loss Breeds Isolation

Those with hearing loss find it harder to communicate. The condition can cause frustration. This can cause this person to limit social contact or avoid socialization altogether. As isolation grows, mental stimulation tends to decline.

Diminished Hearing Leads To Fewer Brain Signals

When the hearing process works as it should, nerves inside the ears send signals to the brain. The ear nerves of those with hearing loss are often damaged and can not send these signals well. When the brain receives fewer signals, the brain can go into decline faster.

The Impact Hearing Might Have

There is such a strong link between hearing loss and dementia. Because of this, we encourage seniors to see a hearing specialist to find the cause of hearing loss. Regardless of the issue, hearing aids might provide relief. It can also help with isolation and brain deficiencies that could lead to dementia.

Reaching Out To Us

If you are experiencing any form of hearing loss, we recommend you to contact us at Beltone Chicago. We can provide a thorough hearing evaluation to diagnose the cause of your hearing loss. We will create the best treatment plan for you. We can also get you fitted with a comfortable device most befitting of your needs. To learn more about our services, contact us at (800) 900-6187 or visit our many locations near Chicago.