Hearing loss can be very frustrating to the person experiencing it. It can also be frustrating for the person attempting to communicate with them. It’s so important to understand how to communicate with someone with hearing loss. It can save a lot of time and frustration.

This advice will help you communicate and avoid the risk of miscommunication.

Get Their Attention Before You Speak

If you are trying to speak to someone with hearing loss, grab their attention before you speak. This allows them to pay full attention to you. They can focus on your face so that they can make out more of what you’re saying.

Don’t Cover Your Face

To get your communication across, make sure you don’t cover your face or mouth when you speak. Any obstruction could affect a hearing-impaired person’s ability to understand what you’re saying.

Be Patient

Speak in a slow, clear manner. Make sure pause after each sentence. This is to see if the person has questions and is understanding you. If they ask you to repeat what you said or they show any signs of confusion, repeat it. Don’t yell though. Raising your voice won’t do you or those who are hearing-impaired any good. Raising your voice can also often distort sound, especially with listening devices.

Rephrase Your Statement

If you repeat a statement and the person doesn’t understand it, rephrase it. Some words may be more difficult for the person to understand. Rephrasing a statement allows the listener to hear other words that may be easier for them to hear.

Always Face The Listener

People with hearing loss use facial cues and lips to understand the words as you speak. That’s why it is important to face them at all times during the conversation.

Even if they don’t read lips, when you turn away, the sound is not directed at the listener. This makes it more difficult to hear.

Avoid Background Noise

The television, dishwasher, or an air conditioner can be loud. This makes it more difficult to hear what you are saying. If the person with hearing loss has a hearing aid, the device could also amplify background noise. It is important to lower the volume or mute a television. Turn down any appliances that make noise to make it easier for the listener to understand you.

Write Down Important Things

If the information you need to communicate is important, be sure to write it down. Any appointment times, addresses, or phone numbers need to be on a sticky note. That doesn’t mean that you don’t speak to the person. This ensures the information they receive is accurate.

Contact Us Today

If you are struggling to communicate due to hearing loss, call Beltone Chicago today! We offer free hearing tests and can help you find which options are best for you and your loved one.

Tags: Communication, Conversation