Hearing aid batteries have a short shelf life. The smallest one last about five days and the largest last about two weeks. Since you change your batteries often, you may want to throw used batteries in the garbage. These batteries contain toxins that are harmful when disposed of wrong. You can recycle your hearing aid batteries. This can save the environment from the harmful toxins.

Look For Battery Recycling Programs

In your local area, you could find active battery recycling programs. These initiatives have drop-offs for people to get rid of their used batteries. These programs are from waste management officials. They see the need to separate these small batteries from the rest of the trash. Ask around your area for organized drop points for used hearing aid batteries. If you need further help, a member of our team can help you find a place to take your used batteries.

Donate The Batteries

Certain non-profit organizations accept used hearing aid batteries from donations and charity. These programs recycle your batteries so other industries can make new items. They can refurbish these batteries for people that cannot afford the batteries. You could look online for the group near you that accepts donations of used hearing aids. Also, check with your friends who have similar hearing issues for referrals on such a program.

Return To The Manufacturer

Improper disposal of hearing aid batteries has caught the attention of most manufacturers. Some of them take the time and effort to collect back used hearing aid batteries. On the package of the batteries, read through the instructions. See if the manufacturer accepts used batteries for refurbishing and proper disposal. They offer directions on what to do to return the batteries for proper disposal.

Talk To Your Doctor

Besides providing hearing care services, audiologists are an excellent source of information. Talk to our audiologists about how to recycle your hearing aid batteries. Chances are your audiologist is part of an organization that collects used batteries.

As you can see, recycling hearing aid batteries doesn’t have to be hard. Research on the most accessible route and help us save the environment from toxic waste. Have you been having hearing loss problems? Are you considering hearing aids as an option? Contact us today for all your hearing care needs and services.