Our hearing is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Over time, our hearing can start to fade. This makes it harder to hear as well as before. This hinder how we hear sounds and voices. It also affects our speech. Luckily, hearing aids can help keep these problems from getting worse. Learn more on how hearing aids can help with speech.

What Are Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids are the most basic form of hearing care. They are a device that uses a microphone to receive and send sounds to the ear. An otologist will recommend a certain type of hearing aid. This will depend on the severity of your hearing loss. There are three main types of hearing aids: behind the ear (BTE), in the ear (ITE) and receiver in the ear (RITE). In most cases, it’s up to your preference of what hearing aid you’ll need.

What Are The Symptoms And Causes Of Impaired Hearing?

Hearing loss affects everyone in a different way. The symptoms of hearing loss vary from person to person.

The symptoms of impaired hearing include:

  • Refraining from participating in social events or gatherings.
  • Having problems understanding people.
  • Having to ask other people to speak slower or clearer.
  • Noticing that most noises sound more muffled.
  • Turning up the volume of the television.

Hearing impairment can come from many factors. Some people may have it due to having a build up of earwax. Others have damage to the inner part of their ear. Hearing can also decline as we get older. Although rare, tumors and bone growths can also cause hearing issues.

How Can Hearing Aids Help With Speech?

Hearing loss affects more than your hearing. Without the proper hearing care, it may also affect your speech. Having impaired speech can start to affect other parts of our life. This could include your memories and emotional wellbeing. The microphones in the hearing aids can help take a lot of the strain off of the ears.

These microphones transforms sound into code. This is then translated. Once it’s translated, it’s transformed back into sound, which then goes into the ear. Most hearing aids have a volume setting, making it easier to pick up sounds you wouldn’t hear otherwise.

Hearing impairment can do a lot more damage than making harder to hear things. With the right hearing aid and proper hearing care, your hearing will be as good as new. Contact Chicago Beltone at (800) 900-6187 to learn more information today.

Tags: Speech