The number of options today is both a blessing and curse. It can lead to a lot of confusion. If you feel overwhelmed and ill-equipped to choose the best one for you, here’s a simple guide to help you.

Know The Trial Period

You should know the length of your trial period before you buy the hearing aids. Trial periods usually last between 30 days to 90 days. Discuss this with your hearing aid specialist. Your preferred trial period may not match the one given by the manufacturer. It’s understandable if it takes a longer time for you to decide if your hearing aids fit your lifestyle. Your brain needs to adapt to it. If that’s the case, bring it up to your doctor.

Noise Reduction

Hearing aids use algorithms to distinguish speech from noise. This allows you to adjust the volumes without the need of a doctor’s visit. Each hearing aid may vary in how well this feature performs. When testing a new hearing aid, check if it can identify audio. See how fast it can adjust the volume. Try different background noises such as wind sounds, a crowd, etc.

Preferences Differ

You can’t judge how well an hearing aid would work for you based on someone else’s experience. Basic things such as shape of the ear and coordination would affect the outcome. Everyone is unique. It also includes the battery life of your hearing aid. How often are you comfortable changing the batteries? They can range from 3-17 days.

If you’re a techy, you’ll also want to look at other features such as connectivity. Would you like Bluetooth connection for direct streaming? Or would you like to be able to control your hearing aid’s settings via your smartphone? How about the style, are you comfortable with behind the ear or in the ear? There’s a world of choices out there.

What The Costs Cover

Pricing will differ from your hearing specialists to the manufacturer themselves. Some hearing experts offer an all-in package. This includes not only the hearing aid but also professional fees. It could be from a year to lifetime coverage. Others would arrange for a lighter package deal. This comes with an extra fee for any other visits. Don’t forget to check if it includes batteries in the price.

Warranty Coverage

There are two things you’ll want covered: the repairs and the replacement. Repairs falls under the repair warranty. It could protect them from a year to four years. This depends on the manufacturer and the how advanced your hearing aid is. Repairs within the warranty are free of charge. Replacements are in the loss and damage warranty. This could include the first year to three years from when you bought the hearing aid. Damage could be partial to a complete replacement.

Other factors could also come into play. This includes feedback and level of control over your hearing aids. It all depends on what matters most to you. Remember to always consult with your specialist. For the best care and hearing information, contact Chicago Beltone at (800) 900-6187.

Tags: cost, tips